Arcadia Open House Exceeds Expectations

Arcadia, the first Monolithic Dome home in Cache Valley. Over 350 visitors toured the home during the open house on November 5, 2016.
Thank you to all who came to the open house on Saturday, November 5th. We really can say that it was a success. We were not sure how many visitors to expect and were pleasantly surprised by how many did come. Over 350 people toured the home that day, which exceeded our expectations.
Arcadia, as the home is called, is located in Providence, Utah but that didn’t seem to be a problem for people. We saw people from all over the state and beyond. Many came from Idaho and even one from Alaska.

The kitchen was the busiest room during the event, with many visitors stopping and asking questions of the homeowners.
Our visitors were very gracious and well behaved, making it a delight to have them in the home and show them around. The homeowners enjoyed speaking with the visitors and answering the many questions about living in a Monolithic Dome.
We tried out best to get the word out about the event: social media, the website, the email newsletter The Roundup, community calendars, and more. It seems that our efforts reached people, and no matter how you heard about the event, we’re glad you did.

The garage featured cross sections of the roof and wall, as well as the landscape plan for the property.
But most of all, we’re grateful for those who donated money and food that day. Overall, we raised more than $170 and collected several boxes full of food. All of this went to the Cache Community Food Pantry, the local food bank. As we go into the colder months and closer to the holidays, this is a crucial time for food donations. We’re sure everything that was donated will go to those who need it.
The homeowners expect interest in the home to continue as the years go on. They expect to continue to hold more open houses in the future, so look for those announcements.
For a full recap of the event, read Providence family completes construction on first Cache Valley ‘dome home’ from the local newspaper.