Testimonials From Monolithic Dome Builders Workshop Alumni

Class photo from a Monolithic Dome Builders Workshop where students constructed a real Monolithic Dome.
A sample of letters and testimonials from Monolithic Dome Builders Workshop alumni.
“A week with family”
David, Gary, and all of the staff I want you to know you all put on a GREAT workshop. I left the workshop feeling confident that I have the tools, techniques, methods and materials to build my own dome. There was a massive amount of material to cover and you did a great job of covering it until everyone got it. As I was leaving the workshop I felt as if I had just spent a week with family. —Carl Fortune, DeKalb, Texas
Honest appraisal of techniques and challenges
I was a bit concerned about being a part of your largest class to date, but with a 40’ dome to build there was plenty of hands-on opportunities for everyone. The mix of classroom to field time was good and the subject matter wide enough to hold our interest and deep enough to stimulate good questions and discussions. The informal times for lunch and the evening snack gave us time to get to know you, your staff, and our classmates better—what a great bunch of people! Throughout the week, we were treated to honest and open appraisal of the techniques, opportunities, challenges, and potential pitfalls. —Jeff & Sarah Kamin
Appreciated classroom & hands-on experience
I was probably the only attendee with no experience whatsoever in the construction industry. Naturally, I was a bit apprehensive. But although I didn’t grasp everything that was going on, when we were finished I felt that I had a good understanding of the processes involved in building a dome. I particularly appreciated the balance of classroom work with the outdoor practical work. All of you were very patient and clear with your explanations. —Edgar Seligman, Nassau, The Bahamas
An alumni returns
Thank you again for another great class, I learned so much more the second time around. Gary, Javier, Frank and the rest of the crew are always very hospitable and go the extra mile to help students learn! —Kirk Long, Fredricksburg, Virginia
“Pitfalls to watch out for”
I really learned a lot last week. Actually building the [Monolithic Dome] answered a lot of questions for me. Some of the pitfalls to watch out for and how having real professionals would make things run a lot smoother. —Ronald Baxter, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Warm and friendly atmosphere
I want to express my thanks and appreciation for the terrific workshop. I found it intensive and quite thorough, sometimes to the extent of information overload, but no complaints on that from me. The atmosphere was warm and friendly thanks to you and your staff. Again, my sincere thanks to you. —John Graham, Littleton, Colorado
“There’s nothing quite like hands-on”
Touring the facility and seeing all the various domes was excellent. There’s nothing quite like hands-on, first person to bring things into clarity. Meeting people I’d only dealt with via email was instructional. You don’t really know who someone is until you sit across the table from them one on one.
If you are considering a Monolithic Dome, I sincerely recommend you attend a Monolithic Dome Builders Workshop. The Monolithic Staff are sincere in their desire for attendees to be successful in either starting a business or building a home. The instructors go to great lengths to give you as much information as possible in the amount of time available. The workshop was time and money well spent. —Nori Lamphere, Onalaska, Washington
“Real patience and teaching talents”
I thought I had patience and teaching talents until I sat in on the Monolithic Dome classes. Now I feel I have experienced people with REAL patience and teaching talents. Our heads are still spinning—even after a week—with all the knowledge and wisdom given to us. We can’t even begin to convey the true gratitude we feel after having attended the workshop. We thank all of those on the Team at Monolithic. —Tom and Linda Summer, Conway, Arkansas
“I can’t remember ever attending anything more satisfying”
I can tell you that in my line of business I attend way too many seminars—most of which are a complete waste of time. I can’t remember EVER attending anything more satisfying than yours. You are to be complimented on the work you do and for the great people you obviously have working with/for you—both family members and others too. It is blindingly apparent that whatever you are doing, WORKS! —Russ Augsburger, San Antonio, Texas
“Best formatted and functional training course”
This is one of the best formatted and functional training courses I’ve attended. The classroom and workshop mix works tremendously well. —James Alvord, Locke, New York
“Questions answered with clarity”
The class met my needs for hands-on entry into the dome construction process. I felt my personal questions were answered with clarity. —John Marshall, Scottville, Michigan
“A solid foundation”
The format of the workshop worked out very well. The class-time provided an opportunity for discussion and questions, and the hands-on part of the workshop provided the opportunity to become familiar with the equipment and to get a good feel for the actual construction process. We had viewed the training tapes prior to the workshop, but only through the workshop did we develop a solid confidence in our ability to build domes. The notebooks you provided are very helpful and the certification certificates are lasting, positive reminders of the knowledge we gained in your workshop. Certainly the construction of Monolithic Domes will be a continuing learning process, but your workshop provides a solid foundation and the necessary knowledge with which to begin. —Scott McAnulty & David Ratchford, North Carolina
A super course
First, let me thank you for a super course. I certainly learned a lot and was very impressed by you and your entire staff. I look forward to working with them all in the very near future. God Bless this venture. —Wallace B. Moore, President, On-Site Diagnostics
Warm southern hospitality
Howdy from Kentucky. Thanks for the great workshop, the well organized and prepared food, and especially the warm southern hospitality. Keep up the good work. “A mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” —Tommy Rector, Winchester, Kentucky
Willing to face ‘Murphy gremlins’
Thank you for the many practical tips during the course as well as your hospitality and that of your staff. I also appreciated the photos and illustrations of your large dome success. However, your willingness to share the stories about your trials and tribulations may have an even more lasting effect and help me to focus and face anticipated ‘Murphy gremlins’ large and small. —Roland Paegle, Marion, Indiana
Like concert performers
You know, I had such a wonderful feeling when the Airform was inflated, it is like give birth to a baby. I know that today was open a new page of my life and lives of my friends. The couple we are making this building for said that there are a whole bunch of their friends who are excited to have domes constructed, so we are now like the concert performers playing in front of the big audience. —Sviet Raikov, Moscow, Russia
“This one rates as one of the best”
Someone once said, “You are part of all you meet.” With that thought in mind, it makes me feel proud inside to be part of a dream shared with us by Mr. South. The operation, the food, the politeness, the smiling faces made me feel like enrolling in the course every year—just for the refreshing “shot in the arm” I got from the Monolithic staff.
I really liked the attitude—if anything can go wrong, it will. Also, the common sense approach to prevent problems from happening before you begin working. Your team has given us much more than concrete dome structures. Their insight, direction, right way to do things, purpose in life, commitment, understanding and lots of patience were all shown not just talked about in your dealings with us.
Few people have made an impact on my life as all the people at Monolithic have. Your common sense, keep it simple, easy manner, went far beyond just constructing domes.
As a teacher for the past 30 years, I have attended many workshops. This one rates as one of the best. Keep up the inspiring work.
Again, thank you so much for allowing us to share in your dream. May God bless you and your staff – giving you the courage and strength to continue on the path that you are on. Now the ball is in our court. —Paul. J. Dubenski, Ontario, Canada