Florida Winter Wonderland at Dome of a Home

The Dome of a Home on a rare snowy winter night lit by the lights on the home with a twilight feel from the city glow beyond. Pensacola doubled the record snowfall recorded 130 years ago.
The homeowners of Dome of a Home sent us this delightful image of their amazing beach house after last week’s snowstorm in Florida. It is a veritable winter wonderland in The Sunshine State.
“Overall, Pensacola got between six to eight inches,” said Kerrie Douglas, co-owner of Dome of a Home, “while we got about four to six inches because it was windy. The area totally freaked out and does not have the proper equipment to deal with snow, so it pretty much closed everything down—including the bridges.”
The record for snow in the Pensacola was only three inches back in 1895. That was 130 years ago! This storm quickly doubled it.
“Our two dogs that lived in Denver with us were like ‘Oh! we haven’t seen this stuff for a while,’” said Douglas. “But our Florida native dog wasn’t having it. He was like, ‘HELL NO!’”
While it was an alarming inconvenience for some, for others, it was a joyful time to get out and play.
“Schools were out, roads and bridges were closed, flights were canceled, grocery stores and restaurant owners rushed their employees home,” reported the Pensacola News Journal. It was the beginning of a magical day for young and old across the panhandle.
“Pensacola dad Matt Deavenport would define the once-in-a-lifetime feeling as a ‘core memory’ for his three children,” the story continues, “as he watched his 8-year-old daughter Olivia Deavenport lunge down the hill on an aging boogie board for the hundredth time.”
We found hundreds of similar stories online. Of course, all good things come to an end. The storm passed. The snow melted—it is Florida. Life returned to the daily routine, but the snowy memories remain.