Updated: 2 Feb 2023
Answers to common questions regarding COVID-19 and Monolithic’s response to the pandemic including vaccination requirements for attending the Monolithic Dome Builders Workshop.
Does Monolithic recommend the COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes. We recommend everyone be immunized for COVID-19. However, we don’t require proof of vaccination to visit our offices or attend the Monolithic Dome Builders Workshop.
What is COVID-19?
“Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease has since spread worldwide, leading to an ongoing pandemic.” (Wikipedia COVID-19)
How serious is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a deadly disease that’s killed over over 5 million people worldwide including over 800,000 deaths in the United States (20 Dec 2021). However, it widely believed that the actual number of COVID-19 related deaths is much higher.
How do we protect ourselves against COVID-19 infection?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone be vaccinated as soon as you can. To wear a mask in public spaces where COVID-19 cases are high. To stay six feet away from others. To avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces. And to be tested if you have symptoms of the disease.
Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe and effective?
Yes. Multiple clinical trials across the world are proving the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. Hospitals report that the vast majority of ICU patients with COVID-19 are unvaccinated.
Is Monolithic open for business during the pandemic?
Our offices are open for business. Please contact us for an appointment to get the most out of your visit. We recommend all visitors be vaccinated for COVID-19. Masks are welcome.
Can I tour a Monolithic Dome?
Tours of the domes at the Monolithic Dome Research Park are limited to commercial structures and by appointment only. No private residences are available for tours.
Can I attend a Monolithic Dome Builders Workshop?
Yes. The week-long Monolithic Dome Builders Workshop is back. Students receive a mix of classroom and hands-on instruction while constructing an actual Monolithic Dome. Workshops are scheduled for April and September.
Am I required to be vaccinated to attend the workshop?
We recommend students are vaccinated, but it’s not required.
Can I attend the workshop if I had COVID-19 before?
Yes, but natural immunity is not equivalent to the vaccine. We recommend everyone get immunized.
What if I test positive for COVID-19 and cannot attend the workshop?
First, we hope you recover quickly and completely. Second, contact us as soon as you are able. We will refund your tuition or, if you wish, move you to a later workshop.